Credentialing Exam

Applications Now Open!

The Credentialing Exam will be offered four times in 2024 (February, May, August, late October. Dates to be announced.)


  1. Complete the Application and indicate your preferred Exam Period. Upload supporting documents.

  2. Receive email approving your Application or requiring additional information.

  3. Once approved, receive a link to enroll and provide payment.

  4. When payment is complete, receive a link to register for the Exam. Create your profile in the exam software. Take a simple (and fun!) systems test.

  5. Once the Exam Period opens, take the Exam at a time convenient to you.

    Good luck!

Timing & Time Zones

You may take the exam on any day, at any time within the exam period. This way, no matter your time zone, you can choose a convenient time to take the exam. If you would like to request any special accommodations for taking the exam, follow the link for doing so on your application.

  • This section will test things like the purpose of ESD, how to differentiate ESD from other forms of self-defense, communication, intuition, boundaries, spectrum of violence, intimate partner violence, sexual assault, emotional manipulation, and more.

  • When it is appropriate to use physical techniques; context and risk evaluation; goal to escape safely; choosing effective physical techniques; details for common techniques such as palm heel strike, rear elbow strike, strangulation response; misconceptions about physical attacks and responses; what to do after a physical confrontation, and more.

  • Physical safety in the teaching environment; safety equipment; safety flaws; alternate exercises to accommodate student injuries or limitations; modeling safe behavior with physical interactions; emotional safety with role-play; emotional safety when personal stories shared; trauma sensitivity and planning; and more.

  • Differentiating ethics, morality, expected behaviors; inclusion & equity; appropriate touch; confidentiality; sexual harassment; intimate relationships; child abuse; reporting; recognizing own bias; intersectionality; gender/identity-based violence, and more.

  • Class plans; setting up role play; emergency reporting; time management; co-teaching; body positivity/movement and more.

Exam Pricing

One of the benefits of being a member of the Association is that you receive special pricing for the Credentialing Exam. The Association also offers international tiered pricing and discounted pricing for those requiring financial assistance.

About the Exam

The OWL interface for taking the Association Credentialing Exam is straightforward and user friendly. The Association will send you registration information with plenty of advance notice, so you’ll have time to set up your account and test your equipment well in advance of your scheduled exam time.

The Association Credentialing Exam is split into five modules, as outlined below. Each module includes a variety of multiple choice questions, followed by several open-ended questions.

The multiple choice questions are complex, but they’re not trick questions! Many have more than one apparent “right answer,” which is an invitation to stop and think through what is being tested in the context of the core competencies for that module. There will be one best (not the only) choice.

The open-ended questions allow you to dive deep and dig into the complexities of context and culture, the things which multiple choice does not allow. This is a place to demonstrate your depth of knowledge and experience; however, you don’t need to write a book for each question. A paragraph or two is what we are looking for. Focus on communicating your points clearly and concisely, without worrying about sentence structure or grammar (grading is strictly based on content). Bullet points are perfectly acceptable.

The exam is expected to take approximately three hours, but that time can vary greatly depending on you. Please reach out to us if you need accomodations for test anxiety, hearing or sight impairments, or any other reason. We want you to succeed!

See the Exam Handbook for more detailed information about every aspect of the Credentialing Exam, and read our blog for tips and encouragement for a stress-free exam experience. Good luck!

Credentialing Exam


Member Price


Discount for Organization Representatives


If your organization is a member of the Association, its three Organization Representatives will receive this discount.

Your organization can join as an Organization Member here.

Discount for Organization Team Members


If your organization is a member of the Association, Organization staff (Org Team Members) will receive this discount.

Financial Assistance and International Tiered Pricing Available

For Financial Assistance or International Tiered Pricing, please complete the form on the Application or contact us.

You can find the International Tiered Pricing chart here.

Exam Handbook

Core Competencies

Credentialing Home